

Raids hosted!

Raid Lobby

Host with ease.

Our custom Discord RaidBot, built over the past 3 years, provides the best experience for both hosts and raiders. RaidBot’s development is community-driven to provide a seamless raid from start to finish for successful raid outcomes.

Features we’re most proud of include a copy and paste invite string, private rooms for the group of raiders to coordinate, trainer name/friend code integration, moderation support, and much more!

More than just raiding.

We’re a community of passionate Pokemon GO players.

Our PvP community proudly host monthly tournaments with roughly $150 USD prize pools alongside giveaways and contests exceeding over a $1,000 USD a year!

In addition, we share information about upcoming events, raids, and news. We create infographics of raid bosses and their counters. Join our Discord to see them.

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